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A healthy living trend

Well-being factor bedroom

The consciousness for health and well-being has increased enormously since the corona pandemic. In the context of the current home makeover wave, damaging structures are actively eliminated, body and soul are conceded greater importance than used to be the case. In the process, the focus is increasingly on the formerly most intimate room in the house: the bedroom.

Tidy and cosy bedroom

(Photo: unsplash/Spacejoy)

Sleep as medicine

Everyone is familiar with the effects of too little sleep. One is irritable, absent minded or perhaps somewhat disoriented. However, sleep deprivation can also have serious health consequences. A team of reearchers from the Universities of Tübingen and Lübeck were able to prove that even three fewer hours of sleep diminishes the performance of our immune system and impairs our defences against pathogens.

With the currently increasing consciousness for one's own health, the bedroom is with good reason increasingly becoming a place for rest and, with the right interior, can even be transformed into a wellness oasis for promoting good health.

Sleep designed – Colourful sleep

Bedroom with natural-coloured accessories and pastel blue wall

Harmonious pastel hues are eminently suited for smaller bedrooms, while darker and warmershades have a special impact in larger rooms. (Photo: unsplash/Spacejoy)

While the bedroom used to often serve as a storage room for everything visitors were not meant to see, the design of this room is now being increasingly planned more consciously.

Already the choice of colour has an influence on our mood and correspondingly also on our sleep. While bedroom walls were often kept white in the past, warm earth and gentle pastel hues are often en vogue today for creating a relaxing atmosphere.

Accessories like houseplants, rugs and decorative cushions in the meantime belong not only in the living room, but also have their place in the bedroom. The bedroom is gradually becoming the room it was meant to be: the most comfortable room in the home.

Sleep sustainably – Sustainability in the bedroom

Solid wood bed

Solid wood beds not only look elegant, but also counter the throw-away society with their robust design. Photo: ambista/POMP - RUHE & RAUM GmbH)

However, all comfort aside, one theme should not be forgotten: the environment. Because sustainability does not stop at the bedroom door. Environmentally friendly and resource-efficient materials like non-toxic textiles or sustainably cultivated wood are conquering the bedrooms of today. The solid wood bed, for example, is enjoying great popularity.

Solid wood furniture not only has the advantage that it is produced from renewable raw materials. It is also extremely robust.

Accordingly, a solid wood bed withstands not only one or a few moves, but can also be sanded and treated again as needed – a durable unique piece.

Houseplants are also increasingly providing a connection with nature. The Urban Jungle trend is increasingly advancing into our most private rooms. Whereas one used to fear that plants might "breathe away" one's oxygen in the night and cause poor sleep, it is today the consensus that houseplants have precisely the opposite effect. They filter pollutants out of the air and are sometimes even excellent air humidifiers.

Sleep better – the mattress makes the difference

In addition to the right furnishings and choice of material, the most important part of a restful night is still the mattress. It is decisive for determining who wakes up with stabbing back pain and who starts the day well-rested.

An especially interesting and future-compatible approach is provided here by the Cologne mattress manufacturer Auping . The mattress "Evolve Y" offers not only adequate comfort for restful sleep, but is also the first completely circular mattress in the world, for which the origin of all materials used can be traced with complete precision.

A healthy living trend

We normally spend around eight hours a day in the bedroom. – it was probably more than that for most people in the past year. Correspondingly greater is the need to optimise this room. Consistently designed, sustainable and favouring healthy sleep – this is what the future of the bedroom looks like.

You can find out more about current sleep trends in the imm cologne trend.briefing . For brands and manufacturers, this trend means a lot of potential for allowing the once forgotten bedroom to become a cosy oasis of well-being.

imm cologne trend.briefing. Get to know all products and manufacturers here